Database migration

We are using Alembic for database migration.

Get up to date

To upgrade the schema to the latest revision, simply run cliche upgrade command:

$ cliche upgrade -c
INFO  [alembic.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO  [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
INFO  [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 256db34030b7 -> 2a1ebdf4c19e

Add a new revision

Each time you change the database schema, a new migration script has to be added. Use revision command:

$ python revision -c --autogenerate -m "add x to y"


You should use --autogenerate option to automatically generate a new migration script from delta between the actual database schema and the head migration script. It does not 100% completely work well, you have to manually review a generated new migration script before commit it.

See also

Operation Reference – Alembic
The reference of operations Alembic provides.

List revision history

Use history command if you want to list all revisions of the database migration history:

$ python history -c
running history

Rev: 1ed82ef0071 (head)
Parent: 1344c33541b
Path: /.../cliche/migrations/versions/

    Add dod column to Person

    Revision ID: 1ed82ef0071
    Revises: 1344c33541b
    Create Date: 2014-08-04 21:48:04.403449

Rev: 1344c33541b
Parent: 2d8b17e13d1
Path: /.../cliche/migrations/versions/

    Add team_memberships table

    Revision ID: 1344c33541b
    Revises: 2d8b17e13d1
    Create Date: 2014-02-27 03:05:00.853963

Rev: 2d8b17e13d1
Parent: 27e81ea4d86
Path: /.../cliche/migrations/versions/

    Add teams table

    Revision ID: 2d8b17e13d1
    Revises: 27e81ea4d86
    Create Date: 2014-02-27 02:00:25.694782

Rev: 27e81ea4d86
Parent: None
Path: /.../cliche/migrations/versions/

    Add people table

    Revision ID: 27e81ea4d86
    Revises: None
    Create Date: 2014-02-27 00:50:04.698519

Merge branches

The cliche upgrade script will refuse to run any migrations if there are two or more heads at a time:

$ cliche upgrade -c
INFO  [alembic.context] Context class PostgresqlContext.
INFO  [alembic.context] Will assume transactional DDL.
Exception: Only a single head supported so far...

If you want to see how it’s going on, list the history. It would show you there are two heads:

$ python history -c
running history

Rev: 2d8e07def2 (head)
Parent: 1344c33541b
Path: /.../cliche/migrations/versions/

    Add nationality column to people table

    Revision ID: 2d8e07def2
    Revises: 1ed82ef0071
    Create Date: 2014-08-08 02:38:45.072148

Rev: 1ed82ef0071 (head)
Parent: 1344c33541b
Path: /.../cliche/migrations/versions/

    Add dod column to Person

    Revision ID: 1ed82ef0071
    Revises: 1344c33541b
    Create Date: 2014-08-04 21:48:04.403449

Rev: 1344c33541b (branchpoint)
Parent: 2d8b17e13d1
Path: /.../cliche/migrations/versions/

    Add team_memberships table

    Revision ID: 1344c33541b
    Revises: 2d8b17e13d1
    Create Date: 2014-02-27 03:05:00.853963

Rev: 2d8b17e13d1
Parent: 27e81ea4d86
Path: /.../cliche/migrations/versions/

    Add teams table

    Revision ID: 2d8b17e13d1
    Revises: 27e81ea4d86
    Create Date: 2014-02-27 02:00:25.694782

Rev: 27e81ea4d86
Parent: None
Path: /.../cliche/migrations/versions/

    Add people table

    Revision ID: 27e81ea4d86
    Revises: None
    Create Date: 2014-02-27 00:50:04.698519

In this case you have to rebase one side’s down_revisions to another head:

"""Add nationality column to people table

Revision ID: 2d8e07def2
Revises: 1ed82ef0071  # changed from 1344c33541b
Create Date: 2014-08-08 02:38:45.072148


# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '2d8e07def2'
# changed from 1344c33541b
down_revision = '1ed82ef0071'