How to run crawler

This tutorial covers how to run the cliche crawlers.

Running TVTropes crawler

You can run TVTropes crawler using cliche crawler command with celery worker:

$ celery worker -A \
$ cliche crawler

with subcommands you can provide options:

celery worker
It runs celery worker to crawl links. You can supply --purge option for purging pending work queue, and -f LOG_FILE to save logs into a file.
cliche crawler
You have to provide config file with -c CONFIG_FILE option or CLICHE_CONFIG environmental variable. Config option must be provided before crawler subcommand.

when the crawler is first run, it will fetch and populate the celery queue with links from TVTropes Index Report. If there is already some crawled links in the database, the crawler will skip this step and populate the queue from the database.

Running Wikipedia crawler

You can run Wikipedia crawler in the same way using cliche crawler command with celery worker:

$ celery worker -A \
$ cliche sync wikipedia -c CONFIG_FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXT

It also provides same options.