cliche.sqltypes — Collection of custom types for SQLAlchemy.

class cliche.sqltypes.EnumType(enum_class: enum.Enum, **kw)

Custom enum type to be used as enum.Enum`in Python standard library. It inherits :class:`sqlalchemy.types.SchemaType since it requires schema-level DDL. PostgreSQL ENUM type defined in an Alembic script must be explicitly created/dropped.


alias of Enum

class cliche.sqltypes.HashableLocale(language, territory=None, script=None, variant=None)

Hashable Locale

class cliche.sqltypes.LocaleType(*args, **kwargs)

Custom locale type to be used as babel.Locale.


alias of String

class cliche.sqltypes.UuidType(*args, **kwargs)

Custom UUID type to be used as uuid.UUID.


alias of CHAR